
awarenessAnanda is the bliss within a quiet unhurried moment. The timeless canvas on which existence unfolds.

I am inspired by Ramana Maharishi and Nisargadatta Maharaj. Silence and stillness are my closest proxies to the truth. My greatest guide and unconditional companions. They underlie a lot of the thoughts and words that appear on this blog.

I write to explore, understand and connect with my own heart. I reach into the quietness in my memories, relationships, experiences, observations, dreams and contemplations to do so.

There is joy and a sense of connectedness in sharing these writings. I hope they resonate in a way that inspires a deeper connection with the truth of who we are. That is what binds everything together.  

I am grateful to all those that read and respond to what I share.

10 thoughts on “About

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  1. Astute! Writing does provide anchoring to thoughts and dreams or ideas. Sometimes, I introspect more through my writing than when I am alone. Can not agree more with you

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hello…I find your ‘About’ section interesting. I suppose all of us who write do it for the reasons you have mentioned. Thank you for visiting my blog. Looking forward to reading your posts.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I am happy our paths crossed, Anand. I have been browsing through your beautiful and thought-provoking site. You are likely often told you have a gift with words. Your beautiful words resonate with me. Erica

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I owe Natalie, the Hot Goddess a big thank you for the introduction. I was immediately hooked by your profound words and this speaks to me “Silence and stillness are my closest proxies to the truth.” I hope to visit more often.


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