There are always songs to sing

| 6 MINUTE READ | Unconditional love & the transcendence of loss

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The Grinder & The Gods

| 2 MINUTE READ | Migrant life and the Mesmerising Maya of Change

Who are you?

| 1 MINUTE READ | A luminescent contemplation

Sharing a bewitchingly beautiful piece by a young girl named Ilah. It blends the ordinary with the sublime. Is suffused with an authentic mysticism. Littered with lines that are evocative and inspiring.

A Passing Thought

Collage by: Unknown

I am a mess-maker.

A hobby-hopper. A pull-every-crayon-outer, a faded enthusiast, a leave-behind-a-trail-of-passions-gone-colder. I am an interest-plucker, an endless well of curiosity.

I am light, reflected and magnified, travelling from the cosmos to forest and hillside and to that particular corner of a kitchen somewhere, sometime in the afternoon.

I am perfume that spreads through the air. I am here and there, in this moment and the next and the one before. I am a blade of grass waving to the sky, a raven remembering a face, a raindrop falling on someone’s shoulder. I am scattered, everywhere all at once. I am gone, as short-lived as I am intense. I am an imprint, a scar you can’t forget, a vertiginous sensation you cannot describe, a feeling you will never feel again.

I am a falling star that you forget as soon as the morning comes.

I am…

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Apples from Amsterdam

| 1.5 MINUTE READ | Our friendships are sometimes older than us

Bookstore Wandering

| 2 MINUTE READ | The small truces between culture and capitalism

Bohni – the first earning

| 1.5 MINUTE READ | A tryst with an auto driver

Retaining Balance – The Eternal Way

| 6 MINUTE READ | A reconsideration of restraint in an era of excess

late night love stories

| 1 MINUTE READ | the heart turns a black and white world into colour

Salt Water Baths

| 2 MINUTE READ | on the cleansing quietness of empathy

Dancing in the dark

| 1 MINUTE READ | Sometimes we can hear the night sky singing to us

The land we all come from

| 5 MINUTE READ | A review of the book 'A new idea of India'

The returning cycles of rain

| 5 MINUTE READ | An epilogue to 'A lesson from Lila'

Reflection on a window

| 1 MINUTE READ | elusive awareness & empty train compartments

The importance of kitchens

| 4 MINUTE READ | Learning a life skill and some life lessons

The habit of leadership

| 3 MINUTE READ | A childhood memory with Jyotiraditya Scindia

Reset – Regaining India’s Economic Legacy

| 8 MINUTE READ | A review of Dr. Swamy's latest book on the economy 

Joe Sheth and an essay

| 4 MINUTE READ | The long journey of a small gesture

The voices of poets

| 5 MINUTE READ| Is it time for the imagination of artists to moderate the extremes of the modern economy?

Space & the city

| 4 MINUTE READ | In a city magically reclaimed from the anarchic sea, a constant search for space defines its people.

The ravines of Phaphund

| 6 MINUTE READ | I met a small town contractor 20 years ago. With the aura of a man on an epic journey. This is his story.

Prana – the Jedi force

| 7 MINUTE READ | Excerpts from a book on holistic health that explain the fundamentals of ayurveda, prana and the seven energy centres in the body

The lifeboat privilege

| 5 MINUTE READ | A story from the contracting industry regarding the sharp inequalities in the modern world and their impact on people.

A vacation of long silences

| 6 MINUTE READ | My experiences with silence and the lessons they taught me.

Cutting a high flying kite

| 6 MINUTE READ | Nirav Modi and the thin lines between success and fraud

The natural habitat of humans

| 3 MINUTE READ | A few thoughts and memories on the universal voyage towards self discovery

The Roxna Rollercoaster

| 8 MINUTE READ | A review of Roxna Swamy's book about her maverick husband

A dance of feathers

| 3 MINUTE READ | In the liquid quiet of a swimming pool

A moment in Tripoli

| 1 MINUTE READ | In 1999, I travelled to Tripoli to try and collect on a debt that was owed to my late father and overdue by a decade. I wrote this poem there even as I was writing off the debt.

An old & ordinary friend

| 3 MINUTE READ | An old friend who reminded me that spirituality is not an abstract cerebral idea but a constant intuitive awareness

The Money Ceiling

| 3 MINUTE READ | The challenge of enterprise and the true purpose of money

The abiding stillness of boredom

| 3 MINUTE READ | The confusions of the modern world and the quietness that transcends it

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